
A Ray of Light: A Poem by Priyanka Sabharwal (Mona Mona)

The sun rises and sets every day,
An unbroken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectation,
A ray of light of new awakenings,
It’s warmth and ray touched our body and soul,
A positivity and hope of shining bright,
An orange glaze of warmth and life,
Imagine a life without this sun,
Everything will turn into dust and ashes,
The earth will be the skeleton of bones,
No life is possible without this ball of light,
We are grateful that you are on duty 24*7,
We are your children,
You are an angel who touched our life,
Always shower us with your grace and nurture,
We are nothing without it,
You are an enigma of glare, positivity, and a new inception,
A ray of hope and desire.