
A Different Type of Hero: A Story by Priyanka Sabharwal (Mona Mona)

The cry was faint, but I heard loud and clear as I walked past the long bushes. My steps faltered. It was late, and I wasn’t sure if it was an intelligent thing to stop and inspect the source.

But there was a desperate appeal in that cry that I could not resist going in that direction. I switched on the torch on my mobile phone. As I parted the bushes, what I saw shocked me. Somebody dumped a newborn baby in the bushes to die. How heartless anybody can be to leave a helpless child abandoned like that?

I searched desperately for someone who could lay claim to this life. But my probe remained futile. It was late, so I decided to take this baby home with me. I decided to register a complaint in the morning. My wife and daughter were shocked to see a newborn baby in my arms. I explained to my wife the whole situation, ” How I found this baby relinquished in the bushes, crying for help. Sarita for the sake of humanity, I could not dump this little one to die in that filth.

My wife hugged me and said, “Harish you did the right thing. Not everybody can be heartless like this baby’s parents. Relax”
Thank you Sarita for resonating with my thoughts. I was dreading if you could oppose my decision. Where will she go?

Harish complained to the police, but even after three months, nobody came forward to claim the baby. Harish and Sarita decided to adopt Harshita. Though they were not financially well off, they dreaded leaving her at the mercy of others.

Harshita was an intelligent child. She was a gifted artist. She painted beautiful masterpieces from a young age.

Twenty-five years hence in Paris, a young talented artist was honoured for her masterpiece: a young renowned painter and exceptionally gifted artist, Harshita Nanda. A gorgeous lady with black curly hair and kohl-rimmed eyes clad in a beautiful green saree climbed the podium to accept the honors.

She thanked the hero in her life ( her father) for believing in her and giving her wings to soar high in the sky and to achieve her dreams. He gave me a new lease of life when even her birth parents dumped her to die in that filth. Believing girls are just a burden, but Harshita’s parents defy such orthodox behavior. Despite not being rich, they gave her every comfort and necessity of life. I owe these accolades to my parents.