
A Day Without You: A Poem by Srividya Subramanian

As the Sun sets, coloring the sky
In bright orange and pink hues,
I sigh with relief that the end is near
Of a rueful day without you.

The morning looked swathed in gloom,
Refusing to smile at the sprightly dance
Of nature brimming with every form of life,
It played its part nonchalantly, as if in a trance.

The other part of the day did no better,
Hardly made an effort to lift my spirits,
It angrily blazed to keep everyone away
Oh, dear! I just managed to scrape through it!

Realization dawned, a day without you,
Stays clothed in distress amidst cheer,
Hardly enthused by the excitement around,
Never resplendent till I behold you, my dear.