
The kind soul: A poem by Nithya Sridharan

The cruel world languishes in the deeds of the baddest
Mindfulness of others is something that never exists
Look well, and you will see these unique healers
That complete the world and make it better
Be it an old lady waiting to cross the road
Or a child who fell down, slipping from his bicycle mode
They rise like a flash of lightning from nowhere
Render their invisible support, and disappear into thin air
They are of a kind, they are very kind
One in a million, not quite easy to find
Work quiet and hard, behind the scene
A soft soul, always offering a shoulder to lean
Expecting no great favor in return
Doing their job and carry on their mission
Their kindness if oft a subject of mockery
Those who do it would only be cowardly
Let their kindness live on forever
The least we could do is to support their endeavor