
Mother earth: A poem by Rachna Karara

Mother Earth cries in the somber darkness
Infinitely abysmal, still, serene and beautiful
It’s a primitive voice in the deep chasms of its vastness
Giving a harsh and urgent message to the seemingly, wayward man.

The highly, civilized human possessing acclaimed, polished manners
Throws foul-smelling garbage on my pure, naked, porous face
Mirthful picnickers throw trash on my sparkling, coral, golden sand
Rendering me utterly speechless at their immensely, degradable acts.

The barbaric, heinous act of cutting verdant trees
Have choked and suffocated my silent, agonizing breath
The dense, dark smoke of technical industries and fast vehicles
Have grudgingly brittled me dead.

Furrowed and dirty, I lie, a silent, unhappy spectator
Unnoticed, less loved, dark and perturbed in my spirit
The foolish, pretentious man acts in ignorance
My precious gifts of food, clothing, and shelter are thanklessly unperceived.

Four beautiful, grand seasons of Spring, Autumn, Winter, and Summer to you, I endow
Be good to this fecund, fruitful Earth
To welcome her original, sparkling, spirit and the ruddy, jocund soul!