
In the Land of Tulips


In the land where tulips sway and dance,

A vibrant dream in nature’s expanse,

Fields of color, a painter’s delight,

Blooming softly in morning’s light.


A whisper of petals in the breeze,

Swirls of beauty under the trees,

Rivers of red and seas of gold,

A tapestry of hues, rich and bold.


Walking among rows of tender blooms,

The air is sweet with their perfumes,

Your heart finds peace in the calm embrace,

Of fields that stretch with quiet grace.


Each step a journey through endless sights,

A garden painted with days and nights,

To cherish this land where tulips grow,

A memory wrapped in a vibrant glow.


The moments among the tulips, I hold dear,

A memory to last through the year,

In the land of tulips, your soul finds rest,

A touch of wonder, forever blessed.


Latha Warrier

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