
Myriad Hues of a Magician


White gloves, angels pious with magic wand in hands

Hat or no hat many a magician inhabit the earth on this land

A  mother, a father and every creation  of nature

A magician personified is Almighty- our Nurturer


Her soulful dulcet infuses eternal  peace in home and hearts

A life coach, friend, guiding force, best education she imparts

How she shapes our destiny with her Divine hands

A mother is a magician, family’s stalwart


He adorns many a hat and is patient  with our nagging ways

His unconditional love we hold in our hearts sway

He gets all tasks accomplished  and cheers when we fly high

A father is a magician, on his magical wings we fly


Myriad are the hues of magicians, they are blessings in disguise

Reflective like the light of heaven, they always guide

One day when I meet God, the magician  nurturing the universe

I would bow my head for sending on earth, His incarnation- parents, loving with verve


Ritu Kamra Kumar