
Come Soon: A Poem by Sujata Dash

Haunted by empty nest syndrome
peeved by frosty bites of winter
my soul saunters hither thither
makes me take refuge in the
perennial warmth of the comforting blanket of yore

beating the air of thickening boredom
seeking pleasure in life’s chaos
slabs of mortar and brick, the emaciated garden
I pine for your nimble touch
come soon baby, I want to cradle you
heap you with ardent love and affection

pickling warm feelings
chiseling them into robust memories
I squeal with utter delight
at the thought your homecoming
hope Santa is listening to my fervent desire
grants me the long awaited wish

one more time my lonesome being
will be lavished by gestures of the divine
and my core will overflow with plethora of sunshine.