
The Festival of Colours


A unique festival marking advent of spring, end of winter

To celebrate the awesome spring harvest season

Wherein we splash love and laughter on each other

Forgetting all past hatred and unfounded fears


The bonfire is lit and appeased with varied offerings

Dancing flame flickers as the winds stoke embers

‘Holika Dahan’ on the eve of full moon day

Truth overpowering all keeping evil at bay


‘Ras Leela’ to commemorate the love of Radha Krishna

Waltzing in full swing on popular numbers

Bewildering moments with showering petals of flowers

A vibrant festival with a spirited atmosphere


Best time to nurture,

Repair,revitalise relationships

With thandai and gujiya – lip smacking sweets

Holi, the festival of colours has arrived

Adrenaline rush for preparation is quite high


Water balloons, guns embracing a riot of colours

Splashes from every street nook and corner

Smearing faces with paint, throwing coloured water

Crowd gets lively running hither and tither


‘Kapda faad’, ‘Lathmar’, or play Holi with colours

Drinks laden with ‘bhang’ add to the fervour

Echoes of laughter pervade the atmosphere

Never loses its charm year after year


Manisha Amol

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