
Until You Return: A Poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

Days gone by with nothing said weighs so heavy on the mind
For the call of duty you had to march forward leaving us behind
But I’ll support what you stand for – liberty, freedom and life
And wait for you with all my pride as I’m a Military Wife
I’ll cherish your memories and let it live on
And keep the home fire burning until you return
Asking to keep you safe, pray to God I must
My grief will surely be comforted by my trust
I’ll whisper to our children to come and gather near
To hear stories of their braveheart Dad, whom they hold so dear
I’ll reassure them as they countdown each day
That their Dad will soon be back , with them to play
Months may move away with times  that too will  fade away
But my love for you will grow stronger day by day
With the sun I’ll sit, at the moon I’ll gaze
In converse with my troubled heart, as far from me you stay
Anxiously I’ll wait until you return home to the music of marching bands
To see people excitedly waving flags and greeting you with heartfelt hugs
Each and every moment I’ll expect a knock at the door
To hold you tight, when for you I’ll have to wait no more.