
Just You and Me: A Poem by Khushboo Yadav

Our love is deeper than word can say.
It is boundless and everlasting whether living together or far away.
Let our love be deep and profound.
Let us promise to live in eternal bond.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
It’s love which soothes and revives.
Holding hands of each other.
Let’s sail on the boat of love together.
It’s just You and Me together forever.
My love for you is the only thing you can be sure.
With faith and dedication our love will grow.
Let blossom the seed of love that we have sowed.
Between you and me only love will stay.
True love is eternal,O’ it never fades away.
Love soothes and heals all pains.
Just love each other selflessly and never complain.