
I Can Feel You: A Poem by Anindita Mazumdar

The intoxicating fragrance of thine aftershave still beguils me in everlasting rhapsody……
Each and every touch of thine, sends shiver, while walking down memory lane…..
The ecstatic rhapsody still lingers in my body and soul when thine lips touched mine and we seem to be in heaven……

We vowed to be together till death separates us but alas! we’re thrown on either side of the pole…..
But time couldn’t stop me from remembering you…. those twinkle in thine eyes, seeking for me everytime….. the longing of thine arms to hold me close to that hairy chest…. warmth of thine breath asking me to crave for more….. and then our bodies entwining for ethereal pleasures…..

Today, even at the darkest of the night, I keep looking for you hither and thither…. where there seem no room left to turn the clock back…. other than hunting blurred reminiscences….
Inspite of all the emptiness…. being alone …still embrace all the traces….. which once fulfilled me with void rhapsody….. where even time fails to separate us…..and I can feel you even today without any hesitation……