
The Last Page of My Diary


All the random information

Is scribbled on the last page

Following no orderliness or pattern

Haphazardly stored in a web of maze


As tiredness grips me

I grapple with insomnia with no signs of sleep

Honking thoughts then leave me intrigued

Drawing weird sketches on the page induces relief


In a fit of anger using the choicest of expletives

The emotional eloquence gets firmly established

A colourful palette of undertones and overtones

Dresses the page away from the norms


Even at the best of times

Dancing words step on each other’s toes

Nudging against my joyous senses

Get a place on the page nevertheless


The last page of my diary is easier to reach

Quite often I begin my day figuring out to read

The loudest of instructions and unmasked expressions

Pave the way for life’s newer calculations

Manisha Amol

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