
Smile Again: A poem by Shamsul Haq

In this sojourn struggle, a deep determination should take its course
Run away from hard realities, oozing out some sultry tears of remorse
From the wreath of sorrows, joys wink to come out in force
A honeyed gusto can bring bliss, that’s engraved on our brain
Withstand oodles of oddities- a beautiful truth let’s Smile Again
Let the mission of peace be our earnest march
Humanity not in peril if our high held strides merge
Never heat the heals in the hell of the myriad upsurge
A dawn of heraldic victory awaits for sure yet again
Overflowing with hymns of happiness so dear let’s Smile Again
Instances of inequality, it’s so eerie and bizarre
The listless face with untold atrocities, ill-fated they are
Some cathartic philosophy the philanthropists admire
Blood of humanity circulates in our deep-seated vein
At the cusp of events, despite dire straits do Smile Again
Amidst simmering restlessness, hopes do shimmer
Stride alone bravely, for the world, is with its grandeur
Never be succumbed to fraudulent means those are in galore
Follow the footfalls of enlightened, noblemen
Along with you then the whole world will Smile Again