
First Love: A poem by Shamsul Haq

My life was once replete with infinite romantic dreams
My yearning soul was wading in the ocean of infatuation
My imagination espoused realities to eschew embers of embarrassment
Like a weary wrangler, I sought your shelter with the resolution
A journey through tumultuous times being immersed in your world
Vibes of first love stirred my soul like an uproarious soliloquy
A lovelorn I, a forlorn you, both treasured idyllic moments
The flame of our love shot up sky-high so fiercely
I built a castle of love in the world of euphoria
A placid visage I reinvented in the hazy twilight
You scripted your halo in my subconscious mind
Your endless murmur was my sole source of delight
Lonely hours were celebrated, so refreshing was sublime feelings
The first love wilted woes despite obvious swings of things
In silence’s marge, my emotional upsurge indited alphabets of love
Above surreality, I realized an upward rise of feelings
Life’s ebullient ecstasy was snowballed into fertile imagination
The bag of emotions was roped in for enchanting attachment
Our hearts were decked up by frolic frills shedding isolation
Never were we torn, rather agleam with love and excitement.