
Social Media: A poem by Mehak Gupta Grover

Our world is transforming 
at a breakneck pace.
Social Media is taking away our humanity. 
Our ability to capture the moment with a mere swipe 
and a click is separating us from what really matters. 
How did we become so removed from compassion 
that we see no difference between filming our children 
taking their first steps and filming a man taking his own life?
We are losing self- awareness and individual accountability 
leading to inhumane behavior. 
Everybody gets so much information all day long 
that we have started loosing our common sense.
Though, many of our digital inventions serve
to estrange us from the world, 
they were created to enrich our lives.
A clash of man and machine is almost upon us.
Will, we blindly outsource and abdicate big chunks of our lives 
to the social media?
There is much to celebrate in the ease with which we can connect
 and catalog what is going on around us using technology.
Science and technology can do wondrous things, 
but one thing they can’t do is to tell how they should be used.
Without technology, humanity has no future. 
But we have to be careful that 
we don’t become so mechanized 
that we lose our human feelings.