
Change: A poem by Mehak Gupta Grover

Life takes us to a platform,
that is beyond imagination.
The twists and turns, the ups and downs,
are all its part with a beautiful crown.
Just keep on working hard,
and life will change.
Be the best version of yourself,
and you will be acclaimed.
Life is that tough, we only believe
when you are your true self,
life is at ease.
Go and conquer the world,
And claim the power you behold,
There are no hurdles, no barriers, 
no obstacles,
but only fondness and affection 
and the passion of compassion.
Be firm and bold, be aggressive and cold, 
for you are the sun that will shine against all odds!
No need to fumble, no need to panic,
for it is life and not a battlefront.
Be calm, be patient,
things would be perfect.
Let them move at its pace,
for life is not a race.
Live life with smiles and glitters all around,
And let it shower its blessings with sprinkle throughout!