
100 word stories

The Setting Sun

The naked tree, empty bench and the crimson sky reminded Joel of that fateful day. Years ago, on a similar autumn evening, Joel and his parents were taking a stroll in the same pathway. The breeze carried the autumn chill. That chill ran down his spine when he saw an unidentified shooter firing random shots. A couple of the bullets hit his parents too. They fell dead on that very bench. Joel was fuming within as he felt helpless. With teary eyes, Joel, in his crisp olive green, laid flowers on the bench and stood staring at the setting sun.

Kirti V


In a deep, dark corner, I lay lifeless; mercilessly battered and left to die. I was bruised; my bones cracked as I attempted to get up. He had raped me yet again, even beaten me ruthlessly. He lay there drunk, with no clothes to cover his modesty, peacefully snoring into oblivion. I gathered my strength, moved noiselessly, fearing he would awaken. I picked up the grinding stone lying in the kitchen corner. One heavy crash right over his head, broke my shackles. I was set free to fly, to explore and lunge towards the skies and discover myself, yet again.

Lakshmi Ajoy


 The Letters That Will Never Reach!

“Vikas, drop the letter in the  letterbox. It’s an important letter that I have written to your father.”

Vikas nodded, looked at the letter hard and went out. Within minutes, he was back.

“I dropped it, Ma. It will reach Babuji on time.”

This has been a regular scene since the last thirty years.

Thirty years ago, his father left home saying he had found a well-paying job. For thirty years, mother has been writing letters, imploring him to return home. The letters have no address, for father left their home never to return.

Who will tell that to Ma?

Sreemati Sen


Twilight Beginnings

The silver locks of hair on her forehead, along with the wrinkled smile on her face, tried to remind him of all the wonderful years they both had spent together. Yet, he could not remember her, his companion of forty years. Alzheimer’s had wiped his memory completely. It was only the twilight hues and the bench in the park that had remained sole witness to their love for capturing the twilight hues by the lakeside. Both had grown old together, bathing in my hues. Let the next rays of sun thaw those frozen moments, recreate their love story from scratch.

Aditi Lahiry