
You Will Always Be My Friend: A Poem by Staffy Bhateja (Steffi)

Searching for family outside La Familia,
I sought genuine camaraderie and bonhomie for too long
Until Fate finally finished my arduous toil and presented you before me
It was the cheery, bright, sunny morning when we first met
And I instantly connected with you
For my intuition turned out to be true!

The perennial bond between the two of us brims with vigour and passion now; is replete with love, cooperation and warmth
The pragmatic ways of the depraved world do not fascinate us
For we are carefree souls, the universe for one another
Our compatibility remains unquestionable,
For we function at the same wavelength
Hey! How come we always think alike?

Every moment spent with you becomes a memory not just for me but for all those who have witnessed us together
Your presence creates ripples of excitement in me and I forget about the daily pressures of life
Today I can assert with complete certainty-
Our bond shall be admired by folks of the upcoming generations
For you will always be my friend,
Till I embrace Death, the Ultimate End!!!