
Village Life: A poem by Vasumathi Arvind

The sky is resplendent with the rosy rays of the rising sun
Cock-a-doodle-do goes the rooster, less than none!
The cow lets out a moo from its shed
Eagerly awaiting the milkman with her calf skipping ahead.
The hen comes strutting out of her coop with her little chicks in tow,
The sheep hobbling along with their gentle lambs herded by a young lad, all in a row.
Sparrows chirping, parrots whistling, mynahs squeaking,
All in perfect harmony, a beautiful melody singing.
Village belles with their bangles tinkling
Along with their little daughters with a spring in their steps walking,
A man on a cycle rings the bell
Yes, he has loads of interesting goodies to sell!
Curious, eager faces peer into his bags
Searching for the one thing their hearts wish to grab.
Somewhere on the lush green fields
We hear the farmers’ sickles swishing but hearts singing!
Men and women, old and young bond together,
As with their contented hearts,  they spread good cheer.
Peace and happiness, simplicity and honesty,
Life in a village overflows with serenity, tranquillity, and divinity!