
Unleash the inner strength, not the victim card: A poem by Amrita Lahiri Bhattacharya

The cascading long tresses eclipsing her face,
The cracked lips with a tinge of lipstick lace,
The door is ajar with a sound of creak,
Alas!  She is the victim of his lust.

The mornings are cloaked in somber mood of dejection and depression,
She doesn’t find meaning in an abusive relationship,
She is flummoxed by his insouciance,
Picked up the last straws of courage, now eyes reflect vengeance.

Recounting the horror tales at night,
She sets off to a journey unknown, discovering a stream of blissful light.
Henceforth started the herculean task of identifying her pensive dream,
Breaking the barriers, she resolved to banish his nerve-wracking screams.

The nebula of torture at the hands of the oppressor has reached a nadir,
The marriage rife with domestic violence, brimming with ebullience at every corridor,
Overcoming the toxic masculinity, she refused to play the victim card,
Under the veneer of soft-spoken visage, she regained her self-dignity and took guard.

Fixing the distorted image with pools of confidence and crushing the inhibitions,
She notched up victory with weapons of grit and determination,
Not bending to patriarchal mores and grimacing cultural traps,
She sets an example, an epitome of grace and beauty in the perfect wrap.