
Unity in diversity: A poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

Unity in diversity
Unity without uniformity
A dynamic display of various rhythms of life
The world’s song sung in unison, its melody running rife
We all are ingrained in the world’s complex tapestry
That defines diversity to which we attribute our unity
As oceans, deserts, land and rocks complement each other
Let us also welcome, know and respect one another
Diverse culture, religion, caste or creed
Yet the world is a family indeed
In unity we make a beauty so wonderfully true
We are like rainbows enhanced by every hue
Unity in diversity is a magical catalyst to potential utopia
Let us make it no place for nightmarish dystopia
Our own uniqueness we always do maintain
Yet through unity harmony and happiness we try to attain
Love, understanding, and wisdom, if shared with each other
Our bonding becomes stronger with a strength beyond compare
Made of same flesh and blood, let us blend our voice
To kill all prejudice, ego, class or color of choice