
Things I love about you: A poem by Subhashchandra B.Adhav

When I think over things I love about you
Deep within in core of the heart, it resounds ‘I Love You’
While counting stars together, when I sleep leaving count incomplete
You go on counting ceaselessly thus making my task complete

Be it floods, storms, typhoon, you stand by me like stout boulder
Without any worry, I can rest my head on your shoulder
When anxiety, tensions, engulf my emotional fort
Always you lend me precious heartfelt support

A vivid thing about you is that you’re always caring
Be it a big joy or small, you enjoy it sharing
Hiding your sorrows, your happiness you distribute
To respected and noble people, you never fail to pay tribute

When tough challenges put you to the severe test
With the proper approach, you try to win the contest
When with flying color, you scale new altitude
You are always down to earth with a balanced attitude

With sympathy and empathy, you are always compassionate
You go on striving hard never bothering for a fate
With determination some target you set
You make timeless efforts, be it sunrise or sunset

You show tenacity and perseverance during the fearsome night
With commendable patience, you welcome daybreak and light
With marked decisive power, you are hopeful and assertive
Your promising lustrous aura graces whole of you positive