
The Wedding of Heaven and Earth


Making Heaven and Earth meet

Wasn’t an easy task

Yet they came together

In the horizon of love to bask


The earthy princess- Body

Was to marry Life- the celestial prince

This wedding of Earth and Heaven

Was such an auspicious thing


Life and Body were tied by breath

A strong bond they hoped would last

It only lasts a lifetime though

Yet to nurture it they both worked hard


Their nurturing made the bond gain weight in their lives

But soon it grew heavy to weigh upon their ties

Life started slipping out of Body’s loving embrace

And Body grew tired of having Life’s whereabouts to trace


Life, the eternal wanderer, transcended the bond to leave

Leaving behind the aged Body, their separation to grieve

The Body gave up, as their bond grew weaker with time

While Life wandered with reclaimed freedom touching bliss sublime


Jyoti Prateek

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