
The veil of ignorance: A poem by Vijeta Harishankar

The veil of ignorance occluded my intellect,
For it made me run a race so futile!
I wandered listlessly inside the maze of Maya,
Squandering the precious breathes of human life.

The avarice of surfeit inveigled my senses, Propelled me further down the Abyss.
Down under the unfathomable swirl,
Manus of Satan ensnared my soul.
Dunking me into the pool of unabating desires.
My quintessence grappled and panted,
 In an attempt to set itself free.
Felt a hand brawny yet tender
Guided me out miraculously.
The gaze of My Guru,
Subdued me moreover.
It douched me clean off my misdemeanor,
Spiraling my journey upward again
And finally, I was One with The Supreme.