
The Song For You, My Love: A Poem by Staffy Bhateja (Steffi)


Melodious, Mellow, Mellifluous-
Such has to be the song for you, My Love!
Rhythmic, Resonating, Romantic-
Such should be its background music!
Allegro, for sure, for it definitely cannot be Moderato!
We may not be Beethoven or Haydn,
But we must attempt a productive communion, you see!
Words of the song have to be composed so effortlessly that they should touch the deepest recesses of everyone’s heart
Lyrics should create images beautiful- piled up in a heap and reflect the truth- clear as a mountain stream
The song must reflect our harmonious lives- a perfect balance of Surs and Taals, played under the guidance of the Almighty
The doodled waves the instruments send in the air shall take you to another world altogether, I assure that !
But I must admit-
Singing the sweet, serene, symphonic song has to be a laborious task for me, indeed!
For I cannot afford to skip a single note or beat!
“I Love You”- the three golden words must be expressed so beautifully that they ooze out romance from the frames of every couple!
Melodious, Mellow, Mellifluous-
Such has to be the song for you, My Love!