
The pledge: A story by Sreemati Sen

The young doctor sat filing the case histories she had painstakingly formulated. It was a conscious decision on her part to return home and serve the village where she had grown up.
A commotion broke out disturbing her thoughts.

 A patient had been brought in. The supervising nurse refused to complete the formalities. “Police case,” she declared.  Doctor rushed out to mediate when her eyes fell on the badly burnt body of a young woman. A sheet had been turned into a cloth stretcher to carry her. The unbearable stench made her gag. Suppressing the urge to throw up, she managed to control her quivering fingers. Yes, there was a pulse. But feeble! Instructions were issued to the nurse to shift the patient and start her on saline.  

The police arrived after a while and recorded the statement of the family members who had accompanied the patient.  “It was an accident,” reiterated the husband and the girl’s widowed sister.  The stove had burst burning her badly.

The doctor observed the patient for a while. Ninety percent burns! The chances of her survival were bleak. Pushing an injection, she went back to her files.

Around midnight, a peculiar sound alerted her. Turning around, she jumped up. The badly burnt woman was dragging her body towards her.  It was obvious that the woman was in great pain.

“Wwhaatt are you doing? Ddddon’t try to walk…DON’T!”

 “Raaani.” The woman called out.

The Doctor stood still in shock.

“You did not recognise me, Rani! How could you! I am Jharna…your childhood friend! There’s not much time. Listen to me. It was no accident. I lit the stove and it burst. My husband and my widowed sister had planned it all…for the property baba left me. Do you remember the pledge we took…that we will always be there for each other? Please… please do something for me…? They will abandon my child. She is only two. Save her, Rani…Save her.”

“Yyyyes….Jharna. Please forgive me. I went away to the city and lost track. Nnnnow… I am here. I am here for you…recover first. Together we will fight back.”

A smile lit up the charred face.

“Madam, madam,” the attendant came running out. “The patient is not responding.”

“What are you saying? She is here standing in front of me.”

The attendant looked around in befuddlement. There was no one. A confused Rani did not see her friend. They ran out. Jharna lay dead in her bed. That night the doctor sat holding her friends hands, thinking of the days they had spent together.  “AN ACCIDENT” – the words reverberated in her mind.

As the sun rose, Rani stepped out ready to perform the last rites of her beloved friend. She had decided to visit the police station and lodge a formal complaint. It was NO accident but a cold-blooded murder. The perpetrators had to be punished. And Jharna’s little girl….she would bring her up as her own!

A determined Rani strode out of the hospital.