
The Ocean: A Poem by Mousumee Baruah

River, rivulet, brooks merge at his feet.

For them, he is their ultimate master with whom they feel complete.

But he has deep suffocation inside.

Though he tries to be a calm master, he has his ebbs and tides.

As his meditations are always broken by an effulgent nymph.

Wearing a silver sequinned gown, every fortnight, she woos him

And he becomes restless and crawls gently towards the shore.

And creates hypnotic melodies from his core

And her silvers shine upon his emerald, turquoise bosom.

Leaving a trail of undying love by luna, graceful and lissome.

Shed his inhibitions, he  goes on a rippling  dancing  spree

He forgets himself, sets himself free.

And the moment she disappears on the horizon.

He retreats, but in his core forever her name emblazons.

Though brief, he loves the celestial rendezvous, as he can be himself.

There is no greater joy than enjoying one’s true self.

There is more freedom  when one is a commoner

At least with effulgent luna, he can become a simple lover.

His fathomless eyes shed tears solitary.

He suffocates when the world makes him a primordial seer, he feels free when silvery luna makes him ordinary.