
The new normal wedding: A poem by Ankurita Khajanchi


One of my cousins decided, to tie the nuptial knot;
Wedding bells would chime so differently, who could have thought!
Though the guidelines have loosened, and rules aren’t too strict;
But the apprehensions still scare, when the outcomes, we depict.

Our house was the venue, love was the only rent;
Instead of spending lakhs, on the resplendent heritage tent.
Dress-codes were decided, and dances were prepared;
Links for the zoom meet were happily shared.

The ‘four neighbours’, who poke there nose in every affair;
Were kept at an arm, ‘sorry! only 50 can be there’.
The sangeet was held online, for the hoary and the small;
The wedding melodies were sung by Grannies, and repeated by all.
Memories discussed and games played, in a group on whatsapp;
Prezzies and sweets were parceled in a sanitized gift-wrap.

Dressed in our elegant attire, with color coordinated mask tied;
Fifty of us were welcomed by less-worried-father of the bride.
Resources weren’t wasted, grandeur we need not show;
Marriage is a sacred affair, we have made it fiscal though!
The new normal taught us to let warmth be the only craze;
We cheered with elation as they enringed the blaze.

The new normal has completely changed the scenes,
And taught the way we should perform this auspicious task,
With some love and some loving beans,
And yes right now, a matching mask!