
The mirror on the wall: A poem by Gomathi Mohan

Similar Sangfroid
Mirror mirror on the wall, staying still soaking it all,
Reflecting on you, I look a bit tall, do you display rise and fall?
How can one mimic same over the years,
You are casting back a devious game, have my own fears.
Where are the scars and hurt, lacerating my heart?
Mischievously smile back, the dubious veteran that thou art.
Smoothe out creases, lighten up dark circles, hide all tears,
Slyly skew my looks and assure me with a Cheers!
As I struggle with a storm raging on the inside,
You show a calm countenance, setting all aside.
Where are those worries that catch up one with age?
Instead, I greet a girl who breathes chime for change.
Why this semblance you are tempted to show,
I dare you to look intently, for a perceptive persona to throw.
Tried it all, from plane to custom-made solid immersion,
But each one enhanced, leaving me pleased with the illusion.
Oh! Now that I gather, you are an inverted mirage,
Wizardry in duplication, flipping virtual camouflage.
Tired of your tricks, seek my soul vision for no error,
But then, it showed a better image than your magic mirror.
So you were close too, and here I was casting on you, aspersions,
Forgetting how I slogged doggedly to improvise on my versions.
Seeing similar sangfroid, love to let you stay on the wall,
Unveil deep inside, be my chistle…continue to enthrall!