
The Last Page of My Diary: A Poem by Ritu Kamra Kumar

My face was dripping wet in hues of green, blue and red

I had seen her bathed and bleeding in the cuts and wounds red


I had been scribbling  in my diary words dancing in delight, gliding in grace

Memories crystallized of the family visits & college tours to many a lovely place


Since I saw her dead

My hands got soaked in haunting red, my nerves felt numb

On pages of my diary grief fell on blank paper as leaves fall from trees in autumn


My eyes glowed, body undulated, feet trapped in sad rhythm

My scrawls  in the diary looked like an apparition  of foreboding  cataclysm


As the judge in the court gave the verdict of his death  sentence

The shrill  cry of my  favorite student’s rapist echoed in my ears, for me it was victorious  transcendence


My diary had recorded her pain & predicament, She was forever gone

Her smiling face, gave a glimpse of her spirit from the days bygone


Silence hung in the air, the proceeding in the court ended

During our struggle to get her justice accomplished, her mother tightly hugged me


For the world it was just a case, for me it was writing  a saga of suffering  till the last  page of my diary

My spirit  solemnizing liberation from a long and lone journey  of melancholy


Every ending has a new beginning, every night a morning, every dusk a dawn

On the first page of my new diary, I wrote a prayer for a world where a girl is revered as an angel-like beautiful swan!