
The Footpath: A Poem by Lalita Vaitheeswaran

Home to many strugglers who come in search of a living
The footpath is witness to their day-to-day strife
As it welcomes strangers daily with arms open
It enthuses many for a better and fruitful life

Lying down, hiding their bare under rags and tatters
As homeless and destitute seek shelter
The footpath, wide and unclaimed receives them
While in their confusion they run helter-skelter

A stop-over for tired travelers, a sojourn for nomads
The pedestrians and amblers can go at their own pace
The footpath demarcates itself from the main roads
And smiles to the commuters to not run a race

The footpath represents an easy-going attitude
For those who wish to go unhurried pursuing their destination
They can walk, rest and again commence their journey
And still attain their goal with their determination