
The Festival of Colors: A Poem by Manpreet Chadha

Drowned in zeal, intoxicated with a zest
They stock up on stuff, to indulge, to let loose
To immerse in vibrant vivid hues
Oblivious, though unwittingly, that for millions
The Festival of colors is colorless

Devoid of sensory bliss or afflicted
Deprived, differently-abled, restricted
To hear, to hold, to revel, to behold
Blaze of universe or brilliance of nature
Are mere mirages for these lesser blessed
Their lives foggy nights, a mere specter

Ravaged by horrors of absurd wars
Stunned stupefied sleepless in bunkers
The innocent staring at the hopelessness
Or trudging to uncertain destinations
To escape atrocities of frenzied invasion
Black is their only hue, bleak their only view

This festival of colors…
Can these lives be impregnated?
With red of love, violet of gaiety
With yellow of hope, green of sanity
White of peace, innocence and purity
To lend true splendor to the spectrum
To paint the planet with hues of humanity?