
The Arrow That Struck My Heart: A Poem by Manisha Amol

Standing at the base of the wedding pandal,
Sporting a vibrant bridal look!
Adorned with golden shimmer from top to toe,
A fascinating hairdo ending in a floral plait!
Kohled eyed laden with pristine dreams,
Flushed cheeks rouged camouflaging excitement within!
Red moist lips trembling to blurt out something,
Radiant bronze face pretending to hide away from the guests,
Well-manicured delicate hands holding the rose garland,
Crimson intricate mehndi trying to seek the groom’s name!
Euphoric guests disallowing her to maintain a stoic demeanor,
Ecstatic desires running down the veins galore!
Eagerly awaiting to get drenched in marital bliss!
Gathering all the grace and humility,
As she walks up towards him,
Avoiding the gaze of the man,
Who struck an arrow in her heart!