
That Pain: A poem by Pradeep Kumar Soni

When silent prayers,it seemed, not heard

When Time’s falcon catches its victim bird
Motionless we watch the woeful fall of rain
Impatient lips sing poignantly hymns of pain

This song can be heard from obscure destinies;
From broken hearts whose hopes turning into cries
Hunger burnt bellies that for golden grains thirst
From orphans and widows whose joys gone outburst

This song from the wretched’s lips long ages overflow
Whose Christ-like body is still under loathing caste blow
Shackles of feminism have created havoc so far
And the deprived whose learning is still a bar

That Pain from aching minds can be felt
Whose glowing pens at others sorrow easily melt
That Pain made Valmiki the great universal sage
That Pain filled Bhagat Singh with great patriotic rage

That Pain resounds in India’s every nook and corner
When innocent soldiers brought dead from the border
Bloodshed, war, and poverty will cease havoc rain
If World Leaders could feel that universal pain.