
Spring Bloom: A Poem by Srividya Subramanian

Like a rich garment on a fair bride
Like a multi-hued artwork on a bright canvas
Like a dash of makeup on an excited child
The Spring has spread its bloom with elegant finesse.

The barren trees stand overwhelmed with joy
Speechless at the newly sprouting buds and leaves
Like a long-awaiting parent who sees her little boy
Nestling in her arms, little fingers holding her sleeves.

It’s time for the frozen wings to bask in the sunshine
For Earth to feel the blessed bliss that nature can bring
For the sky to envy its own reflection in water fine
The time to witness unbridled love is indeed Spring!

Soft petals of Spring blooms caress many a seething heart
The rustling wind arouses memories and
A thousand dreamy fancies in a busy being start
Like fresh dew on blades of grass, tears of joy on one’s cheek land!