
Special Children: A poem by Sahjahan Ali Ahmed

To carry on the current of life on this earth,
God sends children here through the new birth.
Most of them look cute and fair as a fresh flower,
Being differently abled a few attract the attention of others.

Some have only one eye, leg or a single  hand,
Some cannot hear, talk or even properly stand.
Others call them whatever, they’ve own brain, 
Gifted in their own way, they’re special children.

They’re special for they have a specialty in them,
Can eat with feet or dance sans them in rhythm.
Some have a sharper brain than the normal children,
Better thinker as Stephen Hawkins, some have proven.

From others viewpoint, they have got a deficiency in them,
Their bodily deformities evoke pity or laughter often.
Though blind, lame or dumb; they’ve their own world,
They suitably adapt themselves to the struggle of survival.

A child has no hand in the formation of ] body or mind
God reveals His Will creating children of a special kind.
Special children surely deserve special attention
Our tender nurture, utmost love, and compassion.