
Smiles in curves: An article by Munira Dalal

When in school studied about curves in geometry, namely parabola, and hyperbola. The main task being to prove with formulae they are indeed curves. Later in life learnt to maneuver twists and bends, and of course very steep curves. Talking of curves the most simplest one, and which does not need any formula to prove is undoubtedly ‘The Smile’. No need to swerve sharply when you come across it, unlike the one on the road.
As they say there are a hundred reasons to smile; we just have to find one. See a baby with a toothless smile and you too beam back a smile. Another toothless smile sits nestled between wrinkles and weary eyes. A smile cuts across all barriers of age and communication. Sometimes a smile can start a friendship and at times dissolve differences too.
It’s healthy to wear a smile every day; no fears it’ll ‘wear out’. In times of true happiness, the eyes too smile along with the lips. The most difficult time to smile is truly when your heart is filled with grief. That smile radiates our inner strength and resilience to move ahead. Truly, to don a joker’s mask with the painted smile is not as funny as it seems.
When we smile at people its reflection falls on us too as people smile back. We feel blissful and see the flowers smiling swaying in the gentle breeze and the Cheshire moon with its golden crescent smile in the sky. The most colorful smile, though inverted, appears after the rain peeping through sunshine. It does though put a wide curved smile on faces watching this rainbow in the sky.
A smile can unlock many doors and spread warmth and brightness of million lamps, and if you can bring a smile on even one face consider yourself blessed; you have fulfilled your part. So, the next time you see yourself in the mirror to adjust your attire, be sure to adjust your smile. Someone may need to borrow yours or maybe you’ll have to return one !!