
Shelter: A Poem by Lalita Vaitheeswaran

The city was burning with the fire of the arsenal

Hither and thither the crowd went into a frenzy mad

Loud cries were lost in the din of the melee’

Scattered and strewn lay injured and slain bodies scantily clad

She scampered her way along empty silent desolate lanes

With her new-born close to her bosom as she fled

Tens of thousands were running amok to save their lives

Her heart raced; adrenalin surged, as roads were painted red


Suddenly an invisible hand whisked her, to a corner dark

She was blindfolded and gagged, silenced and helpless made

Bundled and pushed into an already idling vehicle which sped

She could just feel movement and hear shouting voices fade


The vehicle screeched to a halt after a while,

She saw herself amongst a crowd running helter-skelter

She was welcomed with warmth, affection, and love

As they had brought her into the safe havens of a shelter


She was relieved to see her own creed and countrymen

All rescued from the war-hit injured motherland

She was reassured and counseled to make her believe

That she was sheltered, protected, and amongst safe hands