
She lives in fear: A poem by Nisha Tandon

As the clock in her room sounded ominously at the stroke of Eight
She shivered in fear cursing her inexorable fate

With the unsteady footsteps, she could sense the impending danger
Though married for a decade, to her he seemed a complete stranger

In anticipation of her doom, she precariously trembled
Beads of cold sweat trickled down her quivering temples

As the door creaked open she froze in sheer fright
Knowing well that it wasn’t going to be any different tonight

A wound was inflicted as he ruthlessly smudged her kohl
It wasn’t a bruise on her body but a deep scar on her soul

She begged and pleaded but all that was in vain
He laughed heartlessly to see her wriggle in excruciating pain

He often intimidated her with his deep throaty laughter
An adoring husband in the day, every night turned into a monster

People convinced her that she was not the sole victim of marital abuse
Society questioned her, a husband’s right how could she refuse

Then out of the blue, his untimely death left everyone in grief
But she did not know whether to mourn or heave a sigh of relief

All her life she had lived in a state of perpetual fear
But today at the edge of her eyes rested a sole tear