
Second Chance: A poem by Aloysius Papang

Life is a constant battle, the world is a huge battlefield
We’re all brave soldiers who continuously fight with shield
The battle that life combat seems exclusively tough
Some withstand the fight and some are defeated and lost.

The efforts that we all made to become the winners in life
Some get dry out in its buds, some are bearing fruit and ripe
In the course of our fights, there may be extreme rise and fall
But the trial for success, an ending process once and for all.

We collapse many times, life should never fail to rise back
We may miss the first chance but the second one will be in tag
For if we keep trying hard in the second attempt more labourously
First chance maybe a failure but the second chance will be a victory.

Life’s struggle often teach every life to learn the best lesson
Trial and success are part of the movement that keeps us fighting on
Chances may come and go but life keeps moving on fearlessly
To prove the fact; that life may fail for once but not recurrently.

If by chance, the first chance could not see the light on its way
Know that darkness is not permanent, it may simply keep at bay
Grab the second chance firmly and prove your best ability
For invariably, there is light in every darkness and failure will be victory.