
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Managing Life and Health

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disorder affecting joints. The body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. In severe cases, it even attacks the internal organs.

RA is the most common form of arthritis. Statistics show more than one million cases are presented per year in India.

RA requires a medical diagnosis. Over prolonged periods, inflammation associated with RA can cause bone erosion and joint deformity.

An ideal treatment methodology can help manage RA better, but this condition can’t be completely cured. Lab tests or imaging are always required for diagnosis and confirmation of this condition. A chronic illness of RA can last for years or even be lifelong.

People suffering from RA may experience pain in joints, back, muscles, joint stiffness, swelling, tenderness, weakness, whole-body fatigue, anaemia, lumps, redness of the skin, bump on fingers or swelling, sudden flares, dry mouth, and physical deformity.

While there’s no permanent cure for RA, physiotherapy, and medication can help slow the disease’s progression. Most cases can be managed with a class of medications called anti-rheumatic drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressive drugs, steroids, stretching, physical exercise, physiotherapy, and/or joint replacement.

  • Patients of RA can practice these self-care tips to keep symptoms in check.
  • Quit Smoking. Smoking can make symptoms of RA worse and remission less likely. Smoking also makes it tough to stay active which is a key part of RA treatment. Smoking also ups the risk of heart diseases, that are common in RA.
  • Losing weight can be difficult but remember fat cells release proteins that cause inflammation. Not only does this make joint pain worse, but it also makes it less likely your medicine will work.
  • It is most important to regularly exercise. Exercise reduces inflammation, strengthens bones, is good for the heart and lungs, relieves pain, improves mood and sleep, helps weight loss, and keeps joints mobile. Exercise will not harm the joints. However, few exercises are off-limits for people with arthritis.
  • It is important to get tips, expert advice, and treatment from a physiotherapist or certified fitness instructor in conjunction with a consultant doctor.
  • Poor sleep and RA often go hand-in-hand. Pain makes it hard to fall and stay asleep, and lack of sleep makes you more sensitive to pain.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day.
  • Limit screen time before bed.
  • It is important to take Care of Your Teeth and dental hygiene as Gum disease may cause RA to progress faster than if one doesn’t have gum disease. It can also lead to greater bone and cartilage damage.
    Stress triggers RA flares. Find healthy ways to manage the stress that work for you and your life. This can be whatever makes you feel calm.
  • Practice activities like meditation, yoga, taking nature walks, spending time with pets or listening to music.
  • Maintain a balanced diet with enough nutrition in consultation with an expert who can also help in weight and pain management.
  • Smile, stay positive, and spread the love through your enchanting spirit.

Lakshmi Ajoy is a spiritual healer, writer, adventure sports enthusiast, entrepreneur, and social worker from Mumbai. Her aim is to spread happiness and joy to all and help others realize the value and essence of life.