
Reflections of Life: A Poem by Deepti Srivastava

Photographs are testimony for highs-lows of life.
Take you down memory lane, to relive those smiles and cries.

Capturing faces with sparkling eyes, a passion chased from olden times.
Showcases life as a tour guide, from childhood to face wrinkled you hide.

The glorious past has bountiful images, restore them with a deep dive.
They unfold mysteries and age-old history, pictures are assets and archives.

Preserve this treasure, expands one’s horizon, source of inspiration and pride.
Don’t forget to document your journey
timeless pictures for your lifetime.

Let’s create memories of peace, a healthy world pandemic-free.
No more wars, no one behind bars, no child begging on the streets.

Free-flowing love, respect and bliss, abundance to all, poor or rich.
Leave behind some prized possessions, for those coming generations to seek.