
Pride Month 2023

The month of June is celebrated as Pride Month all over the world in support of LGBTQ rights. On this occasion, ALS communities organized Colors of Pride activities and a live session with an LGBTQ writer to celebrate the self-affirmation, dignity, and equality of LGBTQ community members. Asian Literary Society, ALS Performing Arts, ALS Arts & Crafts, ALS Photography Forum, and ALS Women’s Alliance communities celebrated the colors of pride through week-long daily challenges. It was heartening to see the overwhelming response ALS received from its community members who enthusiastically participated in these challenges. Another highlight was the session with Kevin Martens Wong (Gay Fiction Writer & Poet) which was moderated by Alka Balain (Chapter Head, ALS Singapore). Mr. Manoj Krishnan (Founder, ALS) thanked all participants and ALS Community members for their participation and support for Pride Month 2023 activities.

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