Press Release
Asian Literary Society (ALS) organized a first of its kind literary marathon, ALS National Writers Sprint (NWS) 2024. It was a 40-day writing challenge (from November 6th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024).
Forty days is considered under many traditions as a significant time to develop a new habit, to alter a negative habit ,or build self-discipline or self-control, be it meditation, walking, yoga, getting up early, reading, sketching or writing. Once a consistent practice of 40 days is completed, it becomes a part of your routine or lifestyle. It is also called “Charam Chalisa”, “Sadhana” or “Lent”. It is also believed that every 40 to 48 days, human physiology goes through a cycle called a mandala.
ALS is committed to making writing a consistent habit for its community members, so a different theme was shared with members every day for 40 days, allowing the writers to pen down poems, stories, articles, or a novella in English/Hindi.
NWS got an overwhelming response, with more than 100 writers participating in the sprint. The event was curated by ALSphere Magazine Editor, Ms. Vandana Bhasin. The members appreciated the efforts and creativity of the team in organising the event, and keeping members motivated by reading and commenting on their posts. The Community spirit was at its peak, with members not only writing every day, but also reading and appreciating the works of fellow writers.