
Our ruined destiny: A poem by Amrita Lahiri Bhattacharya

The moon is lost in the arms of the night, 
So was my messy hair entangled in the web of your love,
You calmed my frazzled nerves when we were together till late at night, 
In nude shades, dreams spilled from the eyes of reality,
There were pastel hues in my monochromatic lens, 
You lighted the candles in the path of loneliness,
Where fireflies flitted around my floral printed dress, 
You kissed my scars and played with my waves of hair,
Listened to my otiose and asinine play of words hung on my lips as an afterthought,
You sensed my inchoate desires,  hugging me tight in your arms, 
Even heaven rejoiced and blended in our soulful union, 
The fragrance of love spread far and wide, 
We came so close but alas! The distance were never truncated, 
In the verandah of my mind, your ethereal kisses play the cymbal, concussed neck, 
Moments of glory and shimmery passion never fades into oblivion but blur, 
I write your name in the sands only to be obliterated by the rushing waves, 
The moon played the Cupid with its star-studded glitterati, but where are you, love?
Perhaps! Some stories gasp for breath, unexplainable shadows cast their eerie spell, 
They remain flawed and freckled like our unfinished story – if ever you return, 
You will find your replica in my womb – a token of unblemished love!