
Our frontline heroes: A poem by Priya Washikar

To our fearless and resolute heroes
Who are leading from the front
Putting their lives at risk for us
And they don’t complain even once

We all have immense respect for
These brave souls toiling for us
To make our world safer and
To eradicate the deadly virus

A few days of our freedom
In return for their dedication
Is all they really ask
To ensure a safer Nation

We are all in this together
All including me and you
Let’s abide by the quarantine
It’s the least that we can do

A few ounces of trust 
And some moments of reverence
In return, hope shall prevail
We all can make a difference

Their efforts give us the confidence
This pandemic might soon be a thing of the past 
Then shall rise a brighter tomorrow
And ..This too shall pass