
Oneness: A poem by Ojo Michael Oluwaseun

Together we stand, divided we fall
Oneness is the sole key to our dream actualization
For our priority amidst diversity to stand tall
We need to merge our minds firmly with caution.
The forest can’t be relevant on its own
If not for the trees coming together to form a whole
With our outstretched hands and hearts are interwoven
We can ultimately reach the Apex of our goal.
Let’s make a decisive plan like the babel builders
To build up our dreams irrespective of our shortcomings
We shall aspire for the sky and dwell among stars
But for this manifestation, needful is a great deal of oneness.
The broom though lifeless is fulfilling in its wholeness
Clearing dust and construing neatness
Oh, the relevance of oneness can’t be far-fetched
For it is to every materialistic dream, a merging thread.