
A Tail of Sorrow: A Poem by Dr. Mallika Tripathi

In the tumultuous tempest, I tread alone,
On this cimmerian night, my heart turns to stone.
While lovers find solace in caressing embrace,
I wander deserted in this enshrouded expanse.

Torrential rain echo my heart’s refrain,
Nostalgia grips me with bitter disdain.
I deferred my dreams for future flights,
Now regrets pour down with the rain tonight.

Darkened dungeons mirror my abysmal pain,
As I ponder the cost of life’s mundane.
I curse myself for snubbing each moment, each kiss,
Now drowned in the storm, in this tenebrious abyss.

Each drop a tear, each gust a sigh,
In the storm’s fury, abandoned I cry.
No shield from tempest, no hand to hold tight,
Just memories haunting in the squalls’ might.

I mourn inconsolably in tempestuous showers,
Lost in regrets, amid eclipsed hours.
O, forsaken love, adrift amidst the rain,
Grant me absolution, bring sunshine again.