
Olive Green: The color of unity in Diversity: A poem by Neeti Parti

Bravery is his definition
Resilience is his greatest strength
Patience is his power
Love for his country is his strongest emotion
The nation looks at him for protection
And he answers each call unfailingly
Without a thought for his dear ones
He sacrifices himself for ours
He is our guardian angel
We owe him each moment of peace
His blood is purest
Because it flows to cleanse evil
He wears Olive Green with pride
Whether Hindu, Sikh or Christian
From the North, South, West or East
For OG is the colour of Unity, in diversity
He fights till his last breath making his life sublime
Comes home he swathed in tri-color
A reminder to a nation in debt
That dedicating his life as a True Indian is a Soldier’s Foremost Honour!